Just the other day, I realized, "Oh crap, it's July already." The reason that is an "oh crap" moment is because knitters and crafters who prefer to make presents for people rather than buy them, know that July is when you have to start thinking . . . Christmas.
So I counted up and realized I have 8 Christmas gifts to make. There's JR, Tim, Patty, both my parents, Natalie, and because I don't want them left out because they're really starting to like me now, Patty's two kids. Then I also realized that Patty's birthday is in November. I had thought I'd finished up the birthday presents because everyone else's birthday come so much earlier in the year. And to be fair, I went on my birthday knitting spree back in March when things still could've changed dramatically in Tim and Patty's relationship, and why knit a birthday present when she might not be around to receive it. Ok, I had a good inkling the relationship would last, but still, best not count your chickens and all.
So the gift knitting continues!
For Natalie - Branching Out scarf
For JR - Sweater? (question mark because I found a beautiful pattern, but I'm not 100% sold on it. And for the record, I don't believe in the sweater curse. Ok, I do believe it happens, but it won't happen to me because even if he broke up with me, it wouldn't be because of the sweater, and I know he'd still wear it and think nice things about me.)
For my dad - golf club covers, duh!
For my mom - ugh. Not sure. Either a big mesh shopping bag, or a stylish beret.
For Tim - hehe, he might discover this so I won't say except it's something he requested ages ago.
For Patty - I haven't decided which present to give her for her birthday and which for Christmas, but I will be making her a knit purse and knitted wire jewelry.
For the kids - they will be getting identical tulip shaped drawstring bags with some sweet goodies inside. Thought it best to keep it simple and identical so there's no jealousy issues and yet I can still give them something nice.
It's only July and I'm slightly panicky about the amount of knitting that is. But I've been working on Natalie's Branching Out scarf, and it gave me an idea. Because I think scarves are tedious, and I think lace is tedious, I can only do a little at a time. Branching Out is a 10 row repeating pattern, so I promised myself I only had to do 10 rows a day. So far it's working. Actually I might even get in 20 rows today, since I already did 10 this morning and I think I might take it to work and do 10 more there. So in the meantime, I'll just get my other projects sorted out, get the materials, and begin chipping away at them 10 rows at a time.
I once sat down for a Leverage marathon (love that show!) and brought 4 projects to the couch with me. I did a little section on each, then moved on to the next one, rotating through them while watching the telly. It worked great, it kept me from getting bored with any one project, and I got loads of progress done on each. Seems like I'll have to line up some movie/knitting nights, no?
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