
As I wrote about here, I don't do goals any more.  I do quests.  Here are the quests I currently am on.

The De-Stash The Yarn I Have No Clue What To Do With Quest
This quest is about using up the yarn I have in my stash that has been sitting there forever and ever.  I could just donate them, but I'd rather see if I can't find some sort of purpose for these poor unloved skeins.
 Lion Boucle

The 10 Projects I Really Want To Make And How To Find The Necessary Materials Quest
Since my Ravelry queue is HUGE and I'm sadly experiencing a yarn drought, I've taken 10 patterns to focus my energy on.
The List

Be The Change Quest
I didn't get Ghandi's quote when I was growing up.  I understood that in order to change the world you must start by changing yourself, but I didn't grasp how you made the jump from your own self to the whole world until I started seeing others around me be affected and influenced by the choices I myself made.  This quest is centered on me making changes in my life to reflect the kind of world I want to live in.
Be The Change - Intro