Thursday, May 19, 2011

Stash Saves the Day!

I tried to start the crochet sock poi yesterday, but at the time I was sitting down to do it, I was just tired and stoned enough (and the hook was just small enough) that it was hard to concentrate and I put it away. I think I'll take another stab at it this afternoon.

I ended up not going to Michaels yesterday, somehow the time just slipped away from me. I did however make unexpected progress on my De-Stash The Yarn I Have No Clue What To Do With Quest. I had at some point in the afternoon came to the conclusion that I wanted to buy a couple skeins of Lion Brand Amazing (because it's one of my favorites when it comes to inexpensive yarns) in a really pretty color-way, or maybe even a few color-ways and then knit the psychedelic hippie's version of a prayer shawl. Or in layman's terms, a shawl/scarf/stole thingy that I knit on in meditative or trance like states as a way of enjoying knitting as a form of meditation, and to infuse the finished object with some really groovy mojo.

Since the trip to the store never happened, and I had a bad case of startitis on my hands, I ended up grabbing two skiens of Lion Boucle in Berries out of my stash. My friend Apollo had found these two skiens at the 99 cent store a few years back when I was first learning to knit, and he gave them to me as a gift. The colors are both really bright and sometimes garish, and also really really pretty. Don't ask me how that works, when you see it, you get it. And so I cast on what I like to call Vast and Fluffy Colors. Vast and Fluffy is one of those mindless garter stitch scarves that we knit because we can. I don't even know how many stitches wide it is, I just cast on until the needle was fairly full of stitches. We'll see where this goes, but right now I'm totally luxuriating in the simple, pure zen of just knitting because I can with a yarn that is kitten soft and very pretty.

I still relish the idea of making a shawl with Amazing at some point, but I'm thinking that since I do love the yarn so much, maybe I should use it for one of the awesome patterns waiting in my queue. This time around, all I really wanted was something pretty to look at and soothing to knit, and the stash did provide!


  1. The Amazing yarn looks rich, soft, and really cool. Hey, mindless knitting can be very self-gratifying.
    The Boucle looks fun and will be great as a garter stitch scarf.

  2. I do enjoy some mindless knitting with soft yarn... Reminds me why I do this when I'm getting frustrated with some non-relaxing patterns!
